Your Bio: Know Thy Self ~ So You Can Promote Thy Self!
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In the past we wrote about Obtaining Your Goals, Growing Your Database and now we’d like to address Creating Your Bio.
Nowadays, it is very common with personal Web sites and online listings that a performer can expect to be asked to provide a BIO. Having a bio (or even a rough draft of one) to initially show your publicist or manager will allow you to be that far ahead of the game of their other clients. Also, if you are without representation a bio can can get you in the habit of promoting yourself. Therefore, we’d like to encourage you to start compiling a list (or a few paragraphs) of what you’ve accomplished thus far in your life and career.
You might be thinking that writing a bio is something someone else should do for you…but don't be fooled! You know yourself better than anyone else - DON'T leave it up to someone else!
Writing your bio now so you can refer back to it later can assist you before interviewing with new representation...or, for that matter, before interviewing with anyone else in the Industry. In general, it's a great way to have an outline of all that you’ve done so you can reference it just before an opportunity arises to talk yourself up. Not to mention, it can prove to be a nice refresher especially when you are asked the “so tell us a little bit about yourself…(but don’t mention your acting or other performing credits)" question.
Other scenarios for when you might need a BIO…
Your short film that you wrote and starred in has been accepted at a film festival and they would like you to be a guest speaker on a panel - - but first they would like to add some information about you in the program book and on their Web site…so they need your BIO!
You are a series regular on a Television have been asked to introduce another Industry professional at an Industry function and your host would like to include you in their PR package…but first they would like to know a little bit about you besides your series regular role…so they need your BIO!
You’ve just been cast in a production and will be on tour. You’ll be performing in cities near where you went to high school, college, where your parents live, etc. The local publications and other media outlets are considering attending so they can review your performance and would like to be kept up-to-date as to when you’ll be in their area, what you have been doing and what other projects you have coming guessed it, they’ve requested your BIO!
Your high school, college, repertory program, or charity that you volunteer for would like to recognize you by presenting YOU with an award or special honor…but for their press release, they need…a BIO!
You may be wondering what to include in that BIO…
... that’s where we’d like to jump in!
If you find that you are sitting there, scratching your head, wondering what to write about yourself, then here are some things to consider adding:
Where you are from
Where you’ve studied, under who (recognizable instructor because of his ties to an award winner), with who (recogonizable name because they are on a hit show)
Your acting/performing credits
Nomination and Awards
Special Interviews in publications
What you’ve got coming up (airing, screening, release date, tour info, etc)
Any charities you’ve spearheaded or helped lend your name to
Any volunteer work
Special Hobbies
Your Web site
Your Production Company Web site
Your contact info
Here's a working template for a BIO…
Please note in the second paragraph of the Message Body includes a little teaser paragraph about a specific booking and your experience in that which you are beginning to promote:
(Your Stage Name) thoughts on (his/her) upcoming appearance in the soon-to-be released Feature Film (Name of Film)
(Your Stage Name), a (area where you are from originally) and a (include your philosophy on being professional performer and a “hard worker”... why you love what you do).
According to (Mr./Ms. Your Stage Last Name), “Playing (the type of role) (Your Character’s Name) in the (Type of Project) (Name of Project) was a (Type of Experience i.e. challenging, invigorating, eye-opening) experience – (and why was it this type of experience? and possibly mention how the director, producer or another cast member who you worked opposite of enhanced your experience).
While growing up in (Town where you are from originally) and attending (mention your high school and if applicable to this time in your life what might have motivated or inspired you to become a performer. Then mention where you went to college or where you received other training that is important to your career...and if here is when you were motivated or inspired to become a performer, mention that as well.)
Soon after (he/she) made (his/her) way to (enter here if you left your original home town and studied/worked in other locations. If you worked, mention productions, and any reviews, nominations or awards you’ve received. Feel free to directly quote yourself or mention someone else’s’ review of your work.)
With the intent of making ("film"..."theatre"..."television", the type of performing…could be a few different categories) (his/her) career, (he/she) (re-located to name of city where you currently reside). Since then (he/she) has appeared on (mention a few top roles).
(If you are involved in any charities, organizations, etc. that have raised money or been a part of a noteworthy cause, then mention that here).
Lastly include the contact information for your representation (agent, manager, publicist, etc.) Their name, company name, e-mail address, Web site and phone number as well as your e-mail, Web site and preferred contact number.
Once you have this general outline you, or your representatives, will be able to swap information and update it throughout your career!
I have a bio - - - Now what?
LET EVERYONE KNOW! Go and post it online at wherever you have a presence. Locate the email address of the local media where you are from, where you went to high school, college, and received your training and e-mail them this bio with a headshot and let them know you are auditioning and performing and that you’ll keep in touch with them once you have specific dates. This will serve as a nice introduction so that when you have something specifically to promote they will remember your name from before.
Holdon Log, LLC is the leading provider of performer organizational logbooks and software for the performing community. For more information about Holdon Log please visit
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Labels: Bio, Performers, Promotion